By Mariam Adams

Ugali served with beef stew,Sukuma delicacy

Africa is a wonderful place colored in beautiful colors of different, but interesting cultures the Maasai have been a symbol for that rich straight forward culture from the dress code,types of food, the songs,wedding ceremonies and so many other beautiful s practices.
Now away from the Maasai community-let me take you to  Shinyanga and  Mwanza alias Rock City home to the beautiful and well built Sukuma people of Tanzania,people that are part of me considering my mother is Sukuma.Having had the privilege to live with my grandparents learning the ways of the Sukuma people, i now totally qualify to be called a Sukuma lady,well do not question me for my dad being of an Arabic Origin,I love him but today it's not about my dad. I thought of sharing a piece of Rich Sukuma culture with you.
Marriage is a sacred ceremony within the Bantu Communities that is painted with different colorful events(pre-wedding) such as the Bride Price Ceremony, Send Off etcetera. My focus is on BUKOMBE which is the Sukuma word for bride price Ceremony or Mahari in Swahili.This is a highly respected event-every man and lady yearns for the day he/she finally gets to be hosting the ceremony.
Bride Price in the Sukuma land is paid in the form of cattle not money not gold or silver, but cattle (Sukuma people believe that owning thousands of cattle is a symbol of wealth and power and of course Prestige). If the girl, a man is asking for a hand in marriage is of a light skin(Brown skin) the bride price is usually higher compared to a girl of darker skin. The Bukombe ceremonies can only commence once the families from both sides have agreed on how many cows are to be paid.
Cattle are a symbol of wealth to Sukuma
Once the terms from the girl's family have been agreed upon,relatives usually elders from the girl's family go to collect their gifts that is the bride price from the man's family.Once the guests arrive at the man's home they are served Ugali which is a Sukuma's most treasured dish served with cooked vegetables,fish,beef stew any is good to go with Ugali(Sukuma people consider Ugali as the only real food ),oh! And by the way the guests have to empty their plates before the ceremony continues-so, for if you might be interested in marrying from the Sukuma someday,take my advice and develop an appetite for food.
Well after everybody is finished with gobbling a plateful of ugali then the man's family representative(usually the eldest in the clan or another elder considered man of great wisdom) gives a speech honoring the guests on the new friendship/partnership that is about to unite both families by the marriage of their daughter and son,as the man's family get prepared to hand over the cows to the girls family,things get interesting! Women from the man's side come carrying butter on their hands(Please watch your suit) carefully hiding their hands behind their backs immediately the gifts are handed over,the Women come chasing the guests around in order to smear the butter on them.I almost forgot about the singing and ululations all over,its a beautiful experience .
         'Butter is a product from the cattle's, the Sukuma believe if you are to take
         The cattle and so you have to take what also comes from it and maybe it is a way of saying
          Thanking you for all the trouble you went through to raise  your daughter '
After all this ceremony, then follows the main wedding preparations and never stops to be eye-catching and an epic event.One thing I have learned growing up in Sukuma land is that A man who knows no culture is like a lost Soul in the wilderness.I am proud to be both halves but next time you see me call me Msukuma.